December Newsletter

I trust this finds you all still riding high from the Thanksgiving holiday. As much as I love the tradition of this celebration, not to mention the hours upon hours spent in the kitchen trying hopelessly to replicate the feast that my mother pulled off with little to no effort, the thought of firing up the crockpot, making some spicy chili and going on a hike in the woods, sounds very enticing…perhaps next year. However you spent your holiday, I hope that it included family, friends and lots of pie.

As many of you know, we have been working on a book called The Oral History Project. An outside company helped us gather over 300 alumni stories and create a book that will be published this spring. The love of camp and the outdoors, and lifelong friendships are constant themes. Below are two excerpts I especially enjoyed reading.

Allan Bulley, Jr.  “I was a camper for three years and a counselor for four years. I spent my summers in college as a trip director at Kooch-i-ching. I couldn't believe they actually paid me to do something I loved so much. Being a trip director taught me that life is just one continuous canoe trip. Sometimes you paddle with the wind, have a sail, and everything is sunny. The next day it's raining, you have a headwind, and the waves are 2 to 3 feet high, but the next day, it's sunny. It taught me that I should look at disasters as nothing more than temporary, keep moving, and enjoy the trip. That's what life is all about, and it's great.”

Read more here.


New Video Captures Magic of our Urban Wilderness Program


November Newsletter